He has been talking a lot about bowling with his friends again. I’m hoping we can get together with them next week. He is cycling through his cycles again. He hasn’t wanted to go bowling for a while and now he is talking about it several times a day. I hope that he will want to go more often now. It will help break up his routine and schedule if we can do more random activities.
We got dressed and he easily put his glasses on by himself. I think once we pushed through him not wanting to wear them he realized how much he needs to wear them. It is a very low prescription but I know that it still is beneficial for him to wear them. We went out to wait for the bus and I loved his excitement when he saw the bus coming down the road. He got on the bus with a few questions over his shoulder about when he would see his teacher.
When Owen got home he was talking to the bus aide about his pants as he was getting off the bus but he didn’t cry or get mad. It was great progress. We came inside and I fixed his snack. He was very calm and patient.
His teacher made him a book for us to read about his fall break. It goes through all the steps of the holiday and when he would be returning to school. When he was younger he didn’t connect to anything like social stories, schedules, calendars, or written cues. I read it with him and he went through the whole story with me. After I read it he said, “Throw it in the trash” which is what he used to do with things like this when he was younger but instead he held it for quite some time looking at it, and then put it next to him on the table as he was eating his snack so that was huge. I’m thankful that his teacher puts so much effort into finding what he can relate to now and working with him to adapt it to his needs.
He was very interactive with me throughout the night. He looked at his book again and put it with his headphones and glasses when he went to take his bath. I’m hoping this will comfort him throughout the next week and help him focus on going “back to new school middle school” as he is saying now. After his bath, he came to sit with me. I love the nights he wants to cuddle with me and read or even watch videos on his tablet. He wanted three hugs before he would get in bed. He mentioned his therapy and his teacher as he was falling asleep but he didn’t repeat it. I felt lots of victories today and I’m so proud of his progress. Follow your dreams, sing with all your heart, and face tomorrow with joy. Smiles to all and donut daze!