Owen can take a word, say the word in its whole and then break it all down, like clock- lock- ock- ck, and then never say it again. It is like reverse processing. And yet there are words that he is really good at like duck.
The happiest day was when he asked me for milk (almond), multiple times. This is very different for Owen. He normally doesn’t ask for food. Occasionally, he will take me to get him milk or he will look into the kitchen for food but never says the word for food or say I want a snack.
Every day is a new adventure with my little guy and I’m so thankful for the changes he is making. He has such an inquisitive mind. You can tell he wants to learn. I can see the frustration wash over him when he wants to tell me something and he just can’t figure out how to do it. It is so hard not to be able to figure out how to help your baby so I pray that words start becoming easier for him to learn.