He played with his tablet and kept asking me to help him with his game. He asked about his teachers and which one he would be seeing for summer school. He knows which one he’s going to see, but he still references all of the others.
We went out to wait for the bus and it was only a few moments before they were here. It’s always so exciting to me how much she loves going on the bus. I’m thankful for how much they love my sweet baby O.
Tuesdays are for staying home and waiting for Wednesdays but he said he had a good day and he doesn’t always explain this or reference it. He was waiting for his friend to show up at school even though he knew he is not going but he was happy, happy for tomorrow. He misses his bus drivers from the regular school year but he likes the bus driver he has now too. Plus his aide is amazing and he really likes her.
He was calm through the evening. He wanted to play with me more and we laughed a lot. His smile is so amazing and he sang a lot of songs. I love hearing him sing out randomly. It makes my day.
The growing boy ate a lot and he wasn’t exactly thrilled about bedtime but it didn’t take long for him to be in dreamland. I’m thankful for a great day for him and I know he will have a great tomorrow. Through challenges we grow and tomorrow will be our victories. Celebrate each and every one of your victories. Smiles to all and donut daze!