He was ready to get dressed and see his teacher even though it was barely after five. He repeatedly asked to make sure he was not going on a field trip today nor next Thursday or Friday. He was covering all his bases. He wanted to be with his teacher and do exactly as his routine should be.
We got ready and he wanted to make sure he was getting to wear socks. It truly is amazing what goes through his mind. Some days trying to get him to wear more or less a shirt is a chore so when he decides he wants socks I’m like more power to you dude especially when it is cold outside. He is still learning how to pull them up so a lot of times he can get them on his feet but if they are number than anklets he can’t pull them all the way up. I help him put his hands in the right place and we pull them up together.
We got outside to wait for the bus, not a care in the world about the rain. I am so thankful he doesn’t scream about the rain anymore. He saw the bus turn the corner and he started jumping up and down. He went through all the things but got on the bus quicker today and they were off.
When he got home he was telling me where he was going tomorrow and who he was not seeing next week. He was pretty calm at that point and excited about his weekend. He was focused on the difference between his previous teacher and his new one. He does not want to go back to his old so he is focused on asking to make sure he will not see anybody but his new teacher. He was counting how many more Augusts he had with her.
He told me his “grandma needs an update for black computer it needs more memory and apps.” He loves playing on her black computer but it hardly does anything but a few games. He still loves playing on it though.
I watched a video talking about how sour candy can help
with anxiousness. It helps to distract the sensory emotions. I am going to see if I can find some sour gum or some of those other sour candies and see if anything helps or he will eat them. Even if it worked for a minute that would be great.
As he was getting in bed he was talking sleeping so he could go to his grandma’s house. If he doesn’t sleep I will not be bringing him if he screams at me. I hope he makes the connection. He was out quickly. The fake laugh made him laugh today and that made me laugh even harder. Laugh and let the world hear you. It will make a big difference in someone’s day. Smiles to all and donut daze!