I tried to go back to sleep but every time I thought he stopped he would either come to me or start yelling about when he was going to see his grandma. Once I got up the food requests started coming in and they didn’t stop all day. It is certainly growing. By ten in the morning, he ate cereal, pancake sausage dogs, and two egg salad sandwiches. I suppose since he was up at three it was like breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
After third breakfast, we got ready to leave for Grandma’s house. He had been very calm after the initial night screams. He was focusing on when he would see his grandma, go to church, therapy, yoga, and return back to school but he was at least very calm as he asked about everything. When we got in the car he asked if it could be his turn on the way to grandma’s house and was calm once again about asking for the specific ways to go. He even said, “Mommy’s turn on the way home.”
My mom said he ate a lot for her as well. She got him one of the new games he requested and he actually let her play it with him. When he brought it home though he wouldn’t let me even take it out of the box yet though. We met after he spent the day there. He got out of the car and he was full of conversation about his day and the days ahead. We stood there for a minute in the parking lot and he kept hugging me and leaning in so I would kiss the top of his forehead. He wanted Chick-fil-A and then we headed home. He devoured all of his dinner and then he wanted to sit with me. I could tell he was tired and it wouldn’t take him long to fall asleep.
I was thankful for all of his conversations and interactions. It brings me joy when he initiates the conversations and they are not the subjects that cause him to repeat his words. Bedtime was quick but he was very emotional. He wanted to make sure he was going back to his same school in December and I confirmed he would. He hugged me and got in bed. He is looking forward to tomorrow and I hope he sleeps all night so he can enjoy it. Let today be a great day to learn something new and watch how quickly it will change your tomorrow. Smiles to all and donut daze!