The morning flew by with his pure delight still shining from seeing his friend on Monday. He talked about his teacher and wanted to tell her that his friend was going to trunk or treat with him. I tried to explain that we asked them to come but won’t know it until the event. That’s hard to explain to him though. We got ready and went out to wait for the bus. He got on the bus only after mentioning that he wanted his friend with him on Sunday about ten times.
I felt much better than I did yesterday even though I was still tired. Food has been different for me this time but I have been able to eat and drink. I rested again throughout the day because I knew we were going to be going out with our friends for dinner so Owen could see them.
When he came home and got off the bus I told him that our friends were picking us up and we were going out to dinner. I could barely get Owen inside. I knew not to tell him this morning because he would have not been able to concentrate especially since he already had his other friend on his mind but I didn’t think about waiting until he actually got inside the house to tell him. We had about an hour until they came and he used every bit of it to let me know we were going to see our friends.
I am always so thankful to see the pure love that he shares with his people. It’s hard for him to express it but I can sure see it. When we were at dinner he once again could barely handle it he was so happy. He gets overwhelmed by all the emotions and can’t remain calm or even look at someone that he is truly wanting to be with. It is complete sensory overload for him and his body has to calm down enough to even process it all. He kept repeating the same words about going to trunk or treat at our church, once again reiterating that he hoped Miles would be there. My emotions get me because I want him to be in the moment and enjoy who he is with but this is another part of how he processes it all.
He was yelling again on the car ride home. We were with people who love us dearly and have been there for us through so much but it’s still hard for my mind to settle because I once again want him to be able to concentrate. He’s come so far, he’s made incredible strides, and I know that he will do and has already done amazing things.
When we got home he asked over and over when he would see them again. Before we left for the restaurant he wanted to make sure he knew all the steps of what we were doing and when we would get home. This is progress and both of these moments make me know how precious life is. We have to believe in the hope of tomorrow.
Our night by no means was quiet. He quickly went back and forth between school, therapy, trunk or treat, and our dinner tonight. He got out of bed more times than I can count, with the sleepiest of eyes, asking one more time if he would see his friends again soon. Life can be chaotic but oh how beautiful it is when you love the world so. Do not let the words from others be your defeat before you even begin. Believe in yourself and the rest will follow. You are amazing. Smiles to all and donut daze!