I woke around five and started to get up and he heard me before my feet even hit the floor. “Back to bed,” he told me. I said I had to go to the bathroom. His reply was, “Then back to the white bed.” I could tell this morning was one of his thinking days. He was very calm so I was leaving the apples in the apple cart. Upsetting him can change the whole course of our day and I wanted him to have his time. I was pretty much in slow motion myself.
When I came out of the bathroom he started talking about our meeting today. I had told him yesterday that when he got home from school we were going to have a meeting with our program rep. That was part of the reason he woke up so early. He wanted to make sure that when she left he could change. He generally takes off his shoes and changes when he gets home if we don’t have something else to do. I told him that he could change as soon as she left and he was fine with that.
He only mentioned my hair a couple of times. He told me I looked like a baby, he wanted to touch my head, he said he could no longer pull my hair, and he wanted me to remember to grow it back. We addressed all of them and he didn’t bring it back up before he left for school because he was more concerned about seeing his teacher on Friday. I tried to remind him that he still had school today and tomorrow but he wanted to make sure about Friday. I know he is already thinking about Monday being a holiday so he is making sure as many days are routine as possible.
We got dressed and headed out to wait for the bus. His focus was completely on Friday. He asked a few more times about Friday and then he discussed crossing the street. I want him to understand the rules of looking both ways before he crosses. He has absolutely no concept that a moving car will not stop for him or move around him. Thankfully he listens to me when we are out but this is a life skill he has to understand. I can tell he is thinking about it because he brought it up and kept saying “Cross right here” pointing in the wrong direction of where he knows we wait for the bus. Each day I go over the steps so I know he will continue to think through it.
When he came home from school he knew our rep was at our house. The second time he saw her he told her what she was wearing the first time he saw her. It had been close to a year or so since he saw her at that point. This was one of the first times I realized that he probably could tell everyone he’s ever met what they wore every time he saw them. I knew he wanted people to wear certain things but this made me realize he stores all that information and now can tell me. Today he immediately went through what she was wearing and I’m sure this outfit was in his storage vault of a mind.
He did amazing for the meeting. He sat with us for a few moments, talked to her calmly, didn’t interrupt us literally every few seconds, and went to eat his snack all while being extremely calm. I had told her before he came home that she would be shocked at the difference in the way he handles situations now. He still has his moments, who doesn’t, but he is so incredibly calm now. And I’m beyond thankful for it. When she left he changed and he was happy.
The rest of the evening was filled with food, questions about Friday, and only a couple of mentions about remembering to grow my hair. I was honestly shocked at how little he mentioned it and once again so thankful for how well he is handling it all.
Today was one of those days that every time I zigged I should have zagged but I made it through the day. I was feeling better today even though I was more tired. I was able to eat more today and I was feeling stronger.
Hopefully, we both sleep better tonight and he has a great Thursday. I think about how far he has come and all the things he is accomplishing. I tell him all the time that he can do anything he wants if he sets his mind to it. And I truly believe that. Believe in yourself and the rest will follow. Smiles to all and donut daze!