Trying to convince him that I mean business when I say he should go back to bed just gets him more elevated and upset quicker. It isn’t something that he gets through quickly. And telling him what time it is doesn’t help either. He took his tablet and he turned the lights back off. I was awake though.
He was calm after that. I started thinking about our day ahead. The storms they predicted could once again throw a wrench into our routine. It is hard to explain to him why everything is so different and his schedule is disrupted. We got ready for school and out to wait for the bus we went. We talked about his day ahead and everything that he wanted to do. I reminded him that we needed to tell the bus driver he wouldn’t be going to school in the morning because of his appointment. Within a few minutes, he was off to school to see his best friend.
I got the call that the schools were closing early. They didn’t want the kids out in the storms on the way home and trying to prevent a repeat of the week before when they were in school during it. I went to pick up Owen and we headed home.
I wasn’t sure if his therapy would get canceled because of those storms but I figured they would probably watch to see what was happening with the schools and weather. Therapy was canceled and I let him know we weren’t going. He told me they were “broken” and “they gotta get a new one.” I told him it was only temporary and he would get to go back to school tomorrow and therapy next week. I prayed and prayed and prayed this was right and the storms would go away.
He was on overdrive about his appointment in the morning. He was very worried about it being canceled and he wanted to make sure we were going. He repeated every few moments with me. I finally told him if he mentioned it again I would take his tablet. I am trying new tactics to see if he will think through it differently. He came to me with tablet in hand, he said, “Doctor” and quickly turned around and walked off. It worked for now. Praying he makes these connections. He gets hyper-focused on something and he can’t move forward. Hopefully, the doctor can help us work through more strategies as well.
He is excited about going swimming after school tomorrow. I told him that he had to sleep tonight or we would not be going. I explain behavior and actions again hoping that the more I talk to him about it the more connections will be made. He said he was going to play baseball on Saturday. I was so glad he mentioned it. I hope he enjoys it. I’m thankful for his progress and his amazing spirit that shines through. Never give up on the hope for tomorrow. Smiles to all and donut daze!