I keep thinking that one day I will be able to get the right combination of exercises or compressions or activities in just the right order to help him calm down. This coming week we go for an mri and an eeg to see if they can give me more explanation about the seizures he had or even more information about the autism. I asked several of the doctors he just recently saw if they they thought my hemihypertrophy had anything to do with it, so far they don't think it does. That's a relief. I wouldn't want him to have this on top of everything else. I knew it wasn't the body part because I can tell he is the same on both sides I just was hoping it wouldn't be anything internal.
Maybe as he gets older he will be able to settle himself or tell me what feels better to him. I just know that I will keep trying things till I get this right. The hardest part of this journey is never knowing what Owen really needs. I am hopeful every day that he finds his voice so I can learn more about my son.