I always thought kids were messy when they ate but Owen has an almost artful way of eating. There is something about sensory babies and their need to spread food all over their face that is very interesting to say the least. And when I say face I mean everywhere and my face too. I think he wears more than he eats some days.
Owen has to almost be one with his food. Early on he used a fork and a spoon and then that just disappeared. I give him utensils and he wants nothing to do with them. He actually prefers to feed himself but I try to feed him sometimes so he understands he is suppose to eat with a fork and spoon.
I wonder what makes Owen think he has to take his food out of his mouth and feel it after he has put it in his mouth and chewed it for a few seconds. Then my next thought is why does it need to be spread across his face and into his hairline, across his eyebrows and smeared across his cheeks. I wonder why he has the need to take a bite and then put part of it in his ears, nose and even near his eyes.
The after dinner challenge is to get the stuff off his face. He does not like his face washed at all. It is almost a showdown at that point to see if mommy wins or the food wins. I go in for the quick rub down and generally I'm blocked. I almost have to do the sneak attack to get some of it off his face. All and all, really what's a little mashed potato hanging out in the eyebrow region really gonna do?!?! So he saves his food on his face. It will all be okay.
I can only imagine what my sweet baby O is thinking about. I love his toothy grin and his belly gut laughs. His warm smile full of food from one side to the other is what makes my day. So a little corn in my hair just means my boy is eating and that makes this momma happy.