At 5:32 in the morning, when he was trying to convince me to get ready, he told me it was “55” so we could go. I do believe he was doing math with the clock and adding the second numbers together. I love how he was thinking through it because math is something he avoids when possible.
After I gave Owen a third or fourth breakfast I checked to make sure I could get the car out of the snow. A very kind person helped me clear the rest off and a better path through the snow. We were able to get going and I took him to see his grandma.
I stayed close to where they lived because I wanted to get back home before the weather got bad again. Snow I can handle but I don’t like if it turns to ice. He stayed with his grandma for a couple of hours and then we came home.
When I got close to where we live it started snowing again. Owen was struggling with his days ahead. I wish I had an answer to help him settle with his schedule. I told him that depending on the weather and if he sleeps tonight will determine about tomorrow.
We ate dinner and he wanted me to cook everything in the microwave which is something I rarely do. He is now constantly starting the microwave. He knows he isn’t supposed to do it when there is nothing in it and only when I am with him should he start it. I started to say something and he said, “No sir be easy gotta use the microwave be easy don’t do that.” He knows the rules but he pushed the button anyway and then he told me he needed a screwdriver to fix it.
He fell asleep yelling, “Church tomorrow tomorrow church to mor row” so it might take a little more convincing if we can’t go to church. The plan is to go unless he is up all night or it is really bad for the weather. I have a path to the car and I know they will have the parking lot completely cleared.
He wanted to make sure the bus was fixed for Monday that I was picking him up to go to therapy and that he was going to ride the bus home. The lists of ands continued but I tried to reassure next week would be calmer. How do I reassure him of that when you never know what you never know?
I’m thankful he had a pretty good day and his smile shines straight to my heart. Remember you can accomplish anything if you set your mind to it. Smiles to all and donut daze!