My independent dude is starting to pick out his clothes more regularly but I have to be careful of the decisions we both make because each decision seems to change quickly and each choice can be made over and over. He wanted his yellow shirt and put it on but then he asked for his green shirt immediately after that. His green shirt wasn’t clean. I told him he could wear his green shirt another day. We went outside and he stood waiting for the bus. He looked down to see his pants, lifting each knee like he was checking to see if they were the same. I often wonder if it would help if he always wore blue but then what if for some reason he couldn’t wear blue? The Queen of Overthinking takes over at this point so I have to stop myself before I go down all the rabbit holes that have ever been produced by all the rabbits ever.
The excitement for the bus today was like he won the lottery on his best day ever with all the gems that glitter like gold available to him to cherish forever. He gets beyond thrilled that it comes to get him. The smile that washed across his face when the bus stopped was magical. I’m thankful for that smile and off he went to his happy place.
He came home from school and I had already dressed for the pool. He was beyond thrilled and it wasn’t long until we were off to the pool. Determination is a good word to describe him today. He was jumping off the ladder most of the time without wanting to hold my hand and he was even holding his own hand to make himself jump off. By the time we left, he was extremely close to putting his face in as he sat on the ladder. I feel like he is getting closer and closer to that diving board goal.
He was screaming about Monday. He has the storms on his mind and worries that he won’t get to go again. I can’t even imagine how this has changed how he thinks about his days. He doesn’t know how to express his concerns except to continue to ask if he is going to go to school on Monday. And all I can do is say yes knowing that I don’t know the true answer even though I would have to guess it should be fine and there won’t be anything that keeps him from going. Maybe the Queen of Overthinking can overthink this as well.
I’m thankful for his progress and the steps he has made. Tomorrow he goes to his grandma’s house after baseball so he is thrilled. Everything can be something. It’s what we choose to make out of the everything that decides our day so let’s make it something grand. Smiles to all and donut daze!