He woke in a great mood and didn’t even go directly to his tablet. He was singing and then started talking about his day. He told me all the things he wanted to do. Church, bowling, Dollar General, library with grandma, “wanna go shopping ride in the cart,” pool, dinner with grandma, grandma’s house, little park, and I'm sure I'm forgetting numerous things. I knew we probably wouldn’t do any of them.
A hungry, growing boy is what I’ve got on my hands. He is growing taller it seems like every single day. He sat eating his cereal, requesting sausage dogs, and talking about church and going to the park with his best friend. He wanted to make sure I would ask his friend’s parents. It’s hard to explain that I have asked but his parents haven’t gotten back to me so we can’t make any plans yet. I love his planning skills that are developing.
The morning was full of conversation and requests. He said, “church in a little bit” before he asked me to say it again. That felt like progress. We got ready to go and we had great conversations in the car.
He talked about his friend again. He first said I needed to ask his parents about the park but then he said he wanted to bring him to church so they could ride the elevator and he wanted him to two of our friends from church. He was so excited about it. I told him hopefully one day he will get to come to church and maybe his family will come to the Easter egg hunt. My heart was so full and proud of my boy. I love his love for our church and that he wants to share everything with his best friend.
He talked about so many places he wanted to go after church but he decided that he wanted to go to Burger King and then home to eat it. He didn’t get upset when I ordered our food. This can usually be a big process for him but I used the app and it seemed to help him. He asked about having them close the window but he didn’t scream. I asked him if he wanted to go anywhere else and he said no.
I ate a banana later in the day and he watched the whole process but he didn’t have a meltdown over it. it’s been several times now and no meltdown. I’m hoping that it stays that way and it was just a one-time meltdown after years of him not having any.
“Are you teasing me that’s no bear,” he said to me as he was playing his game. I was thankful he was in a great mood and very interactive with me. He didn’t want to give up his tablet again for bed so we will see how he reacts tomorrow when he doesn’t have a tablet when he is in the car going to therapy. I reflect on where we have been and I’m thankful for the incredible progress forward. Find your happiness and let the world see your smile. Smiles to all and donut daze!