He is getting better at listening to directions. I told him the steps he had to do to get ready and he followed through with each one. I try to give him several steps in a row and he is getting better about the follow through. We got dressed and out to wait for the bus.
I had a feeling he would want to go to the pool when he got home but I thought there might be a chance he says no, slim chance but you never know since it was Friday. The first words out of his mouth were “pool” and “grandma.” I am so glad he wanted to go. You never know since it is a Friday but this boy is working hard to learn how to swim so he can jump off the diving board. He wanted no snack and was ready to go.
He was determined and I’m so proud of his progress. When we first got there he still wasn’t putting his head under water but he was practicing floating and kicking. He wanted the diving board and would ask each time he did something but he was not ready. He still struggles to jump into the water from the ladder. He wanted to do it but it was hard for him to process it quickly by the end of our time he put his head under the water at least ten times from jumping off the ladder into the deep end.
I told him he has to be able to go down in the deep water, swim the length of the pool, and breathe without swallowing the water before he can go off the diving board. He was ready to go back before we even left the pool. He kept asking when he could go back.
He wanted a pizza for dinner tonight. He was so happy. I gave him two pieces and he said, “No ten more pizza” like he was ordering chicken nuggets. I said eat those two first. He ate four pieces of pizza and kept asking for “ten more pizza.”
Bedtime did not go smoothly. We painted together and then he didn’t listen about going to the bathroom. We go through these stages and he wanted to stay up. I told him he had to go to bed so he could go to grandma’s house tomorrow. He finally decided to go to bed and was asleep quickly.
I am praying for him to sleep all night but knowing it’s Friday there is always a chance he won’t. He is making huge strides with so many things. I’m so proud of him. Each day is a gift. Even though there are challenges in life we can focus on the good stuff and remember that tomorrow is a brand new day. Smiles to all and donut daze!