We both woke at about the same time. Owen was in a good mood when he woke up. I said, “Happy birthday.” He said, “Say it in Spanish please.” I told him to tell me what it was in Spanish. He quickly said it and moved on to asking me about his day.
I asked him how old he was and he knew he was twelve today. That was exciting news for me. We’ve been working on it so when he told me how old he was it felt like huge progress from the minute we woke up. We got ready and went to wait outside. I love watching his expressions when the bus pulls up.
I picked him up from school and he felt older to me. He wanted to tell me about everything he wanted to do, knowing we were going to do them but it still felt wonderful to hear it all. He talked about his therapy, stores, places he wanted to go, people he wanted to see, and events that had already happened.
All three of his therapists said he had a really great day. That always makes me happy. They told me different things he accomplished and I see great progress. I feel like in the next couple of years he is going to soar.
When we left I asked him where he wanted to go. Burger boy was the requested place he wanted to drive by. Then he decided he wanted Chick-fil-A for dinner and pizza for dinner tomorrow after we go to the pool.
He was very tired after his therapy but I thought maybe I would convince him to go somewhere. He listed many places but they were then all no plus the traffic for some reason was horrible. This made him very anxious. The cars were all moving slowly so he started yelling “fast fast faster faster” even though there was nowhere to go. He requested a new fast, black car again. I asked him if he wanted to eat at the restaurant but he wanted to go home.
Once we headed home he started talking again about his day and asking me about all the days ahead. I started to ask him one more time if there was anything else he wanted to do for his birthday and he said, “I’m amazing.” Yes, my sweet baby O you are absolutely amazing.
He sang Happy Birthday to himself again in Spanish when he got home. He was already singing it earlier when we got to his therapy. We had a very low-key night but too much out of routine even on a special day can be hard on him. We are going to the park in a few weeks and we will have his party then with his friends.
Each day is a gift but today my most amazing gift ever turned twelve and I couldn’t be more proud of who he is and how far Owen has come. I’m thankful for his smiles, laughter, and his amazing hugs. Celebrate your gifts today. Smiles to all and donut daze!