He was not impressed with my choice of clothes to go out and wait for the bus but he was happy with what he was wearing. Summer dresses are for going to the pool not for waiting for the bus but I’m trying to make sure he understands I get to choose what I want to wear and he does too. He would prefer lighter blue jeans but since he has grown he doesn’t have as many yet as he did when he was younger.
The excitement he shows for the bus is what makes my heart happy. He can’t wait until that bus comes around the corner and you can see what happens when it comes. Off they went and he was more than ready.
I picked him up from school and he felt calmer even though he was talking about his days ahead he was saying it without the extra edge. He then told me about going to his new school next year and all his friends that he was going to see. I’m so thankful they are preparing him for his days ahead. He talked about summer school as well and who would be there. I’m thankful he gets to go to that as well.
When we got to his music therapy he was happy to see his therapist. He told her about our drumming session on Saturday and what he wanted to do today. I’m so thankful for a therapist who pays attention to my son’s actions and words. She told me he was much calmer through his session today and that made me very happy.
On the way home he asked me about which days he would be at school and when he would go to summer school. It was rinse and repeat from the trip to music therapy. He was at least still very calm while we talked. When we got home he ate his snack and waited to go to his vision therapy. The eating machine asked for three snacks and ate them all. Off we went to his appointment.
He did amazing at his vision therapy and was able to do exercises he hadn’t been able to do before. I love watching him thrive and grow. He had a very calm session and the drive home consisted of us stopping to get dinner and him reading signs. Thankfully the calm was here to stay for the rest of the evening.
We ate our dinner and bedtime didn’t take long. He was talking about his future school, his current school, and his summer school but he was happy with the thought of riding the bus home tomorrow. Live for the victory but be proud of the challenges that you walked through to get there. Smiles to all and donut daze!