I hadn’t told him that he was going to his grandma’s house because I was afraid it might cause him not to sleep. I had an appointment so I knew I needed to take him to her. When I let him know he was beyond excited and couldn’t wait to go. After we ate breakfast we got ready to go.
On the way there he talked to me about everything he wanted to do. Right when we were leaving home I got a text telling me his therapy place still didn’t have their electricity back so he wouldn’t have his therapy today. I knew I had to tell him but I knew it would break his heart. I figured I would tell him on the way to his grandma’s house so at least he would still be looking forward to seeing his grandma.
I went to my appointment and came back to get him. The power company kept sending me messages that said our power was off again. I figured it was the automated system but I still was worried. There are still so many people without electricity and we have had some very cold days again. Thankfully when we got home we still had power.
I got the next text I was dreading and knew would be coming but I was praying it wouldn’t. They canceled school again. There are too many people still without electricity. I am sad that so many are still without power but I know how hard this is for Owen to even begin to understand. He keeps asking me if he will return to school and all I can do is say soon.
I think the highlight of his day was getting his pirate game. He has been asking for it for a while so I was able to get it for him. He was so excited. It was supposed to come yesterday but it was delayed because of the storm. When I gave it to him we played it several times. It is a game he plays with one of his therapists and he absolutely loves it. He told me how to play it and I love how much he is now enjoying games.
He was reading to me and I love how he is working on isolating sounds so that he can pronounce the words better. I am so thankful for his speech therapist and how well he works with her. He has come such a long way and to see him want to read is my gift. It is such a blessing.
He was both calm and anxious today but he had a good day. There is nothing calm about him right now with his schedule all messed up and routine out the window. It doesn’t help that he is still asking about the power going out and this isn’t something that will smooth over quickly for him. I am hoping one day to have a whole house generator and that would make it so much better for him.
He knows he doesn’t have school tomorrow so I’m hoping he sleeps past five again. Depending on how his day is going we have a few things we are going to do but sometimes it also makes it harder on him when we do go places.
The night went quickly and bedtime was not something he wanted to think about. I always give him the countdown of time with his tablet. He kept telling me five more minutes and I told him that he wouldn’t have his tablet tomorrow. I have to make sure this doesn’t cause a meltdown right before bed so I have to watch how he goes through the motions. Thankfully it only took one warning and he was off to bed but he didn’t stay in it long. He wanted to make sure I knew he would “be with mommy tomorrow.”
I pray for routine to return for him on Monday. This has all been so incredibly hard on him but he is learning and growing as well. I pray tomorrow goes smoothly and we can go do something fun. Sleep finally happened and I hope he sleeps all night. I loved listening to Owen read. That is a true victory. Celebrate all your victories no matter how big or small they are celebrate them all. Smiles to all and donut daze!