I am certainly grateful for almost five in the morning compared to four in the morning and certainly three. I however woke up numerous times listening for Owen throughout the night. Any night he sleeps later than three keeps me on my toes, waking to make sure I didn’t miss him. When he came to my room his song was the same. Blue bed, tablet, sit, but this time he wanted the lights on. I had to ask him again. “Lights on”, I asked as he ran off, turning the lights on as he went. He wasn’t interested in breakfast yet either. I went to get his glasses and he said, “yellow glasses”. He’s been wearing his orange glasses in between the times he wears his regular ones but last night he asked to wear the yellow and pink ones. We have an appointment towards the end of the month to have his yearly eye exam and talk to the doctor about the choices for tinted lenses. I talked to the assistant already about the colored glasses and options for getting his prescription in them. I want him to be able to have the colored lenses but I also want him to have his clear lenses as well. Once we get his eye exam we will make that choice. He didn’t eat as much today but he still packed in the food and variety. He came running to me asking for “grey rocket ship turn off the light”. It took me a minute to process what he was saying. He went on. “Come here”, he said and he doesn’t always want me to follow him so this all felt different. “Swush swush grey rocket ship”, he continued. I realized he wanted to play with his light projector that we haven’t used in a year or more. I went to his toy box and as I was pulling it out he got his Elmo and his rooster flashlight out. He said, “take it with you” and ran to put them in the living room. He came back to me to get the projector and we went to the living room. He was excited. I turned it on and shined it on the wall, flying the rocket ship image up and down the walls across the connected rooms. We would always make the “swush swush” sound as I moved around the room. I stopped it in the corner and he started the countdown for it to take off again. “Three two one blast off”, he said and I flew the image around the room again. I started asking him questions about the rocket ship. I told him we were going to write a story. We spent over thirty minutes flying the rocket ship around the living room. I asked him where the rocket ship was going to fly. He said, “Mars Saturn Uranus”. I asked him what the weather was like when they took off. He said it was “raining”. I asked him what the weather was like when they landed and he said “raining again”. I asked him how many people were on the rocket ship. He said, ”two”. I asked what their names were and he didn’t miss a beat. He said, “ann stronaut” and “rocky rocket”. I asked him what they would eat on the rocket ship and he said, “bagels and broccoli” and of course “chocolate milk” to drink. I asked him if they were going to take anything like books or music on the rocket ship and he said an “octopus and pig”. We started making up a song and singing “it’s gonna fly across the sky” but then he wanted to go eat his dinner so I told him we would fly more another day. He sat listening to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in French and Polish while eating his dinner. The rest of the night went by quickly and he wanted to wear his Spider-Man pajamas to bed. He’s ready for his grandma kinda Saturday and I’m hoping he sleeps through the night. I’m praying hard. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my sweet baby O happy. Find what makes you smile and go after your dreams. Smiles to all and donut daze!
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AuthorI'm Lynn Browder. Owen's Mommy. The best moments in time are when I get to see the smile on his face and that giggle come from his heart. Archives
September 2024
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