I grew up allergic to a lot of foods and then I’ve grown into a lot of allergies for foods. When my son was born I talked to his doctor about my food allergies. She told me to watch him with the things that I was allergic to make sure he didn’t have a reaction to them. So I was extremely careful with food.
I remember those first few feedings when he tried solid foods, he did so well with things. He liked pretty much everything I gave him.
I knew long ago, before I even had Owen that there would be certain things I would not give him, especially in the first few years of his life. I wasn’t going to give him lots of sugary drinks or foods. I didn’t want him to have a lot of junk food or even fast food. The one thing I never imagined I would need to keep from my son is the one thing that was right there in that lovely food pyramid… Milk!
I’m learning so much about the foods that we eat and what we think is healthy may not work for our bodies. Taking cow’s milk out of Owen’s diet has made a huge difference in my son. The focus and determination in him now is completely different than the baby he was two months ago. Milk may not be the answer for your child but keep searching until you find what works for you.
I started taking gluten out of Owen’s diet as well as sugar. I am now researching other nutritional information to find out what else can help my son. I decided to pull up the nutritional values from restaurants and I am learning that there are so many things that you would never imagine have gluten in them or diary or sugar.
I saw the other day an article about school lunches in other countries and I was somewhat surprised how our lunches compared. I think about what I ate as a kid and it is about the same thing they are feeding our children now, maybe even worse.
People have always known that I love food, especially the sweets, well all of this has raised such a new awareness in me. I am walking the walk with my son. Every day I learn new things and I am trying to see what will help. I don’t have all the answers but I do have a lot more questions. Today I ask why do I need sugar in my vitamins?!?!