Food is such a necessity but yet as parents it seems like it is always a challenge to get our babies to eat or maybe it is to eat the foods we want them to eat. With Owen it seems like his food choices change daily. It also seems like he makes choices as to what he eats depending on where he is.
I think Owen knows what he wants to eat he just doesn’t know how to ask for it. He occasionally will ask for mulk which is what he calls his almond milk but there are very few other words that he really will say. He asked for nuts one day and hasn’t said the word since, which seems to be typical in Owen’s world.
When Owen starts eating food that’s when the adventure begins. He really doesn’t like to use silverware. At one point he could use them but it seems he doesn’t really want to use that skill anymore. He will let me feed him though.
I’ve read a lot about sensory issues and eating and it all leads me to believe this is going to be one interesting road. When Owen gets his food it is pretty much a guessing game as to whether he will eat it or not. One day he likes green beans the next day he does not. Or better yet he will eat something for me that he won’t eat at the babysitter’s house or for my parents. Owen will eat ham and cabbage that my mother prepares at her house, sends home to me and he will only eat it here. Will not even think about eating it at her house at all.
When Owen eats he is like one big party all by himself. There is something about sensory babies and the way they eat that is still such a puzzle to me. It is like he has to experience every part of his food. The touch, the look, the taste are all very important to him and don’t forget the smearing over his face. I think he might like that part. He is literally covered all over his face with it. The hard part is he doesn’t want it wiped of his face. I think it overwhelms his little body when I go to wipe his face and hands.
Learning to help Owen enjoy food is a very interesting process. I hope that the older he gets the easier it is for him to just eat his food and not have to process and think about every bite that he takes. I hope that I can help him figure out about textures and smells and make it easier for him to just enjoy eating. Tomorrow will bring a new food choice I’m sure and a new tale to tell.