The dude is definitely growing and that preteen attitude is starting to show itself more and more. Cereal was devoured and then he requested fish sticks. Who’s to argue fish sticks for second breakfast when fish sticks are requested?
He asked from the minute he got up until the minute we got dressed about bowling. I told him we would go as soon as it opened. He couldn’t wait. His excitement is my excitement.
He had so much fun bowling and his smile lasted all day. I love his enthusiasm for the game. And he got a strike. We came home and he started watching bowling again. He requested to play the Wii bowling game. I got it setup and he was ready to knock those pins down. He quickly dismissed me and did it on his own. He told me “I’ll be right back” and pushed me out of the living room. He had been bowling on his tablet when we came home while watching bowling on YouTube on his laptop and then he asked to do the Wii bowling.
He was running through the house yelling that he was going to “daytime school” tomorrow but I have no clue what he meant when he said he wasn’t going to “nighttime school.” I think his break went pretty quickly and for the most part, he handled it well. He will be very happy about tomorrow. He can’t wait.
He asked for an egg salad sandwich for dinner but then he opened it and started picking up the egg salad with his hand. I started him out with a spoon and a bowl but then he asked for the sandwich so I made him half of one. I think he was enjoying the sensory moment of the squished egg salad in his fingers.
Bath time was quickly followed after dinner. He told me it was quiet time but he was anything but quiet. Seriously why are bathrooms not waterproof though? After drinking the bath water he got out. I once again explained that we don’t drink soapy water but he sure enjoys it more than regular soap-free water.
He got ready for bed and I talked to him about how he has handled his break really well. I wanted him to know that we can continue having fun when he goes back to school. I want him to understand that our schedule can vary and it will be fine.
He fell asleep talking about school and my heart was happy. We’ve grown during this winter break and I’m proud of him. Not all days were calm and rosy but we certainly made progress. Remember the good times and let those be your guide for tomorrow. Smiles to all and donut daze!