The food train started right away and it was “chew chew” all morning for my growing boy. He immediately asked for “cereal and milk and sausage dog please.” I asked how many he wanted and he said, “Ten.” I almost believe he could eat ten but I got him down to two and said he could have more if he wanted them.
Owen came to me and said, “It’s snowing.” He was excited. He was thrilled because he was going to get to wear his overalls, snow boots, and “mittens” to play in the “mud.” I told him that there probably wouldn’t be much mud but he sure would get to play in the snow.
“Mommy go bye-bye we’ll see,” he said over and over and over again. He was focused on when he was going to see his grandma. The weather was playing a big part in the role of which day he would go. And it ended up being today after he played in the snow at our church park.
I wasn’t sure how the roads would be but we got to church just fine. He wanted to wear his gear to church but I convinced him to put it on afterwards. He was so thankful his favorite people were there. When church was over we went to play in the snow and he had an amazing time.
He asked to go to see Grandma after he was done. I took him to my mom’s and he stayed for a few hours. We are supposed to get more snow so I thought today would be the best day for him to spend time with her.
I’m not sure when Owen decided he has “lobster teeth” but he wanted me to pull one. I think this is his last one to come out but I also thought that last time. Occasionally he still calls them “Spider-Man teeth.” I asked him if it hurt but he doesn’t completely understand what that means and he doesn’t know how to explain that something is bothering him. If his stomach is not feeling well and he throws up he yells “yum blatz” which is a term he learned from the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse but means hotdog so I’m not sure why he associates it with that.
He had a great evening but he didn’t want to go to bed. He struggles with not having his routine and the next few days will be hard. He, I think, is finally asleep after eleven.
I’m thankful he had a good day and I hope he gets to play in the snow again. He wants to go bowling tomorrow but as I told him we’ll see. Each day is a gift and I’m thankful for the experiences today. Dream the big dream and make it happen. Smiles to all and donut daze!