“The school busy,” he said after I explained to him that his school was closed because of the snow. I’m going with he handled this all okay because at least he handled it. He immediately went into overdrive about asking if all of his other activities were still going to be happening for the rest of the week.
He stayed busy working on his computer, laptop, and tablet sometimes at the same time. Mr technology man. He played his instruments as well but the one thing I couldn’t do was get him to go anywhere in the afternoon when it was warmer.
I got us close to going out the door at one point but then O was not having it. I suggested several things and a bath was his answer. He has eaten all the foods and requested lots more. I spaced it out though. He was concerned about tomorrow so I reassured him.
“Go right ahead take a bath,” he yelled until I said yes so early in the morning. He wanted to go “swimming” again and then he didn’t want to get out. I had to trade one thing for another and he finally got out.
Seriously as a teenager, I can only imagine how much he is going to eat. Ha. He has taken small breaks to do other activities but mostly eating and asking about his days. He also asked for all the foods we don’t have. I told him we could get them and he said no. Egg salad, sandwiches of all kinds, chicken sticks, veggie chips, hotdogs, Chinese food -not sure how he got onto this one, and ice cream were among some of his choices. And a lot of those he doesn’t even want.
The night went quickly and even bedtime. I pray he gets back on schedule soon but Friday we are supposed to get more snow. Each day is a gift. I’m thankful for today. Live in the moment, let yesterday go, and know that tomorrow can be your best day ever. Smiles to all and donut daze!