“Are you teasing me,” he said to his tablet. He had told me to take my coffee back to the “white bed.” I think he wanted some time without me asking him tons of questions. Who doesn’t want to wake up first before all the questions come?
He ate his breakfast and then he wanted to spend time with me. He wants me to play one of his games with him and he will come sit with me. He tells me “tickle” and he wants me to do compressions which eventually end up with him laughing and then wanting to be tickled. The compressions help his joints.
We talked about our day. He knew we were going to church, to his lesson, and to dinner with grandma only he wanted to go to dinner before the swimming lesson. Once I called it lunch that put a whole different spin on it but he definitely wanted to go to dinner before his swimming lesson. Flexibility is not one of the things Owen is necessarily accepting to or changes in what he wants his routine to be. Luckily, my mom understands this and she is as flexible as she can be.
We got ready for church and he was on board with all the choices ahead. He knew church first, then went home to change for swimming, meet grandma, and then our lesson. I didn’t refer to it as lunch anymore.
All the plans went accordingly as best they could. Dinner or lunch depending on who you ask was met with questions and Owen kept asking about his days ahead. He wanted to go to the library but we had to get to his lesson. He had specific roads he wanted to take and we got there on time even though he said faster and faster.
He was excited about swimming. One of his friends has his lesson at the same time as us. They make a great team. Owen is still having a hard time putting his head completely under the water unless he jumps off the edge of the pool. Learning how to breathe underwater is a hard concept for him but he has made such incredible progress and will get it.
The whole way there he talked about the pool being fixed because it was “broken” one time. The chemicals were too strong so we couldn’t go. He will never forget that. He wouldn’t stop talking about the pool being broken the entire drive there so I told him if he didn’t stop talking about it I would have to take him home. He said it one more time. I said ok we are going home. He said, “Let’s talk about tablet animals do you like color” so he thought it through. I didn’t hear it again at all on the way home.
The night he went quickly and a lot more food was requested by my growing boy. He was talking about his days ahead and wanted to make sure I was going to pick him up on Monday for his therapies. He asked me if he could take his tablet to therapy tomorrow. I asked him what he needed to do so that he could take it. He said, “Listen to mommy timer go off.” So much progress.
Sleep happened and I’m praying once again he will sleep all night. The light that dances in his eyes gives me the hope that gets me through each day. He is amazing and he will change the world. Believe in yourself and the rest will follow. Smiles to all and donut daze!