I fixed my coffee and got Owen some breakfast. He was asking about school on Tuesday and his best friend. He didn’t stop asking about school on Tuesday until he mixed it up with asking about when we were going to the park, seeing his grandma tomorrow, making sure he was going to church on Sunday, and wanting to go to see his grandma on Monday. But the biggest one was back and forth between school on Tuesday and making sure his best friend would be there.
He knew we were going to the park with our friends. He has a hard time with parties and overstimulation so I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it for him but yet I wanted him to have fun. I put everything in the car and we got ready to go. We stopped to pick up the pizzas and then headed to the park.
It was like as soon as I put the car in drive he started talking about his best friend. He was sad because he wasn’t coming to the park today. He wanted me to call his dad and talk to him but I explained I couldn’t. He doesn’t understand why I can’t make his friend show up. It breaks my heart to see him sad about missing his friend so much.
We got to the park and we met my mom there. Soon after our first friends arrived. We unloaded the car and the boys started playing on the equipment. Then more of our friends arrived but Owen kept asking for his best friend. He sat talking to one of the other mothers asking her about his friend. He tried to get everyone to look for him. I told him he would see him next week.
The kids all had fun and we ate our pizza. Owen wanted to pick up the trash around the park. I have to constantly remind him not to pick up stuff from the ground. I try not to think about it or get overprotective but he doesn’t understand the dangers of what could be there.
I was thankful for a good day at the park. It was great to have everyone there and just enjoy the time. It’s always wonderful to be with people who love your child and understand what you are going through. I felt frazzled and tired but having my friends there as much as having Owen’s friends was wonderful for all of us.
We came home and his focus truly didn’t change but thankfully he was calm. He is ready to see his grandma tomorrow and as long as he at least sleeps part of the night and no screaming he will be going. He ate a lot for dinner so hopefully, his full belly will help him sleep. He only asked me a few more times about his friend but at least he was calmer about it when he asked.
I’m praying when his routine comes back next week he will start sleeping better again. Today did my heart good. I didn’t get to spend much time talking to everyone today but it was wonderful to be with people who care about us. I pray for sleep and I’m thankful Owen enjoyed his day. Find what makes you smile and let the whole see your joy. Smiles to all and donut daze!