We went outside to wait for the bus. He got in his spot and we heard the bus coming from a different direction. He turned towards me and he got excited. I never know what his reaction will be when he sees the bus going what he considers the wrong way. He calmly got on the bus and I saw the driver talking to him. I love the time and consideration all of them take with Owen. I then saw him talking to the aide as the bus drove away.
I picked him up from school for his music therapy. I could tell he couldn’t concentrate and was focused on the days ahead. Plus, he was talking about all the new outfits he wanted. It is fascinating to me how he comes up with all this stuff and that he wants other colors besides blue but he seems to still want to wear blue every day and wants everyone else to wear it too. He is loving his new brown shoes though.
He talked about his best friend all the way to therapy. He wants him to go to the Easter egg hunt at our church but I don’t know that he will be able to. Owen then told me “Stay home.” He asked about it later though so I think he wants to go.
His music therapist said he had a hard time concentrating and his new thing is wanting to talk about licking door handles. Thankfully he doesn’t do it or so I think but he wants to talk about it a lot. Some days there is so much on his mind he can’t enjoy the moment he is in. I wish I could find the answer to help him.
We came home and he talked more about outfits and what he wanted me to order him. He is sounding more and more like a teenager every day. He ate his snack and then it was time to go to his vision therapy appointment. He wanted to wear a hat. I love that he is willing to do this now. It’s a huge step for him.
We got to his appointment and when we walked inside he went directly to a guy not wearing blue pants. Thankfully he stopped as soon as I called his name but he was about to do something. I explained to the man that he likes blue pants. The man was very kind and said not to worry.
He did great in his vision therapy. He was still a little distracted but was able to do so many of the activities and he was more focused than earlier. His doctor did one exercise where she had him touch his nose with his finger and then have him touch her finger. She said it is like a boop on your nose. Once she said that he said “boop” and then did it perfectly. I love it when he gets the steps.
We got home and the night went cruising by. He was calm for the most part with only a few little rollercoastery moments but we worked through them. I’m thankful for his incredible progress and even though he was very distracted he had a pretty good day. Never give up on the hope for tomorrow. Smiles to all and donut daze!