We got ready and he wasn’t convinced that he liked my flower pants or the blue jogger pants he had on. I told him that today we were wearing other choices. I feel like he is going down the slippery slope of blue pants again and I truly don’t want that to happen. I talk to him about choices and he mentions all different colors of clothing so I feel like I have to keep us moving forward.
When I came back inside I saw one of the couch pillows moved.
I never know exactly what I’m going to find under a pillow. Thankfully food does not seem to be something he hides much anymore but I am still always wondering what it will be. He used to take something off our plates and then run to hide it. He would come right back and sit down with part of it so I wasn’t onto him at first. He wouldn’t go back and eat it so I’m not sure if this was because I talked to him about putting his baby teeth under the pillow for the tooth fairy or if it was for something else. Thankfully today it was his xylophone sticks.
When he came home from school he was a little anxious and I’m beginning to think this extra anxiousness is because he will be off for spring break. He wanted to go to the pool but I was thinking I would take him on Friday. If we had gone today he would be doing something every day this week if we go to the egg hunt tomorrow. He was already talking about Thursday and me picking him up for his therapy. Some days I feel like we need to be home so he can have a day to be in his element.
The night went quickly and he was calmer about his days ahead after I talked him through the scenario of him not going on Thursday even though he knows he is going. He came to me and asked again and I said, “No not this Thursday.” He said, “Try again next time” which is always his reply when something isn’t happening. I said, “Do you know what you are doing on Thursday” and he said, “Yes therapy.” I told him yes and to feel confident in his answer. He walked away. I keep hoping if I change the conversation and make him think through what he knows it will help him process it.
He came running to me and said, “Come get it Fisher Price.” This could have meant anything and I had no clue. He pointed back to the living room. I asked him what he wanted and he kept repeating the same thing. I asked him what he meant or if he could show it to me. He grabbed his tablet and he showed me a video of a See ‘n Say toy he had when he was very young. I told him we didn’t have it anymore. He said, “order it.” He also told me to order him some shape puzzles like he uses at vision therapy. His list is growing and I think it is amazing.
I’m thankful for his growth and how he is beginning to process everything. Each day gives me more hope for tomorrow. He spent some time this evening playing on his tablet with me and that makes this momma happy. Each day is a gift. Even through the rocky days, there will be a shining moment. Focus on the good stuff and remember tomorrow is a brand new day. Smiles to all and donut daze!