He spent the morning laughing and wanting tickles. I love it when he is in a good mood. He radiates sunshine on these days. He was also filled with mischief. I could see the twinkle in his eyes and I knew I was going to be in trouble. He would be keeping me on my toes throughout the day.
He had his best friend on his mind and he wanted to make sure he would see him on Monday. I wish I could say for sure he would see him but I don’t know. I tried to reassure him that he would be going to school tomorrow but I still waited for the call to come in, hoping it never would.
We got ready for church and he knew he wasn’t taking his tablet because of his behavior right before bed. I am hoping that he will continue to make these connections to his behavior if something he likes to do is taken away from him. He was calm as we left except for his blue pants and mine.
On the way to church, he wanted to talk about his best friend and his not wearing blue pants. He also wanted to talk about him coming to church with us. This allowed me to talk to Owen about not everyone can wear blue pants. He has circled back around to where this is a major concern for him.
He talked about what he wanted to do tomorrow after school. He only has his music therapy tomorrow so he said he wanted to go bowling and the pool. We will see which one happens or if neither happens. And of course, he wants to go see Santa.
He talked about wanting a black car again and he told me to “go faster faster” when cars were passing us by. I’m thankful he had a good day and his progress is so evident. Each day is a gift peppered with those challenges that let us see the victories we are making. Celebrate your gifts and watch your world grow. Smiles to all and donut daze!