I lost track of how many times he was awake before eleven. My exhaustion and emotions were strong last night and I wanted sleep. It came but hours after I intended. I was thankful he finally fell asleep.
Sleep specialists offer no extra advice. What should bring calm brings anxiousness and what brings sleep he can still push his way through and be awake when he wants. Thankfully it doesn’t happen as often as it used to and we seem to be on a melatonin winning streak even though it isn’t always consistent. Breathing techniques seem to work the best but his mind is so brilliant that he processes things differently and can still wake for anything.
He woke happy when it was time to get up and that’s all I could ask for. He had big plans for when he got home but this week feels like it has been hard for him to want to go places. I wasn’t going to push it either way when he got home.
I wore blue pants but I put grey pants on him. I try to alternate back and forth. It’s emotional knowing that it has been two years and he still questions everyone about their blue pants. It’s like a written code now and I can’t figure out how to help him change the rules. It is one thing for him to want to wear them but he gets upset when the whole world isn’t in them.
I am hoping that we can keep finding connections for him to understand other people can’t always wear blue pants nor does everyone want to. He sat down on the couch after I helped him dress and he covered his pants with the blue blanket. I think, overthink, and rethink all of the scenarios and steps. There’s no reason he can’t wear blue every day except wearing blue every day is not helping him process that sometimes we can’t wear blue every day or the exact same scenario doesn’t happen all of the time. Teaching him flexibility is what I remind myself that we are working on. And I pray every day that I’m helping him through the process.
We went out to wait for the bus and he wanted to lay down in the street. I have to remind him about safety and laying randomly in the street isn’t something we can do. I saw him race towards something on the ground and I yelled to not pick it up. I was thankful he listened to both instructions.
When he came home from school he only wanted to stay home. It sounded like we had big plans at first but we didn’t. He asked about going to grandma’s house and as soon as I said yes he said no. I think he gets overwhelmed and thinks on Friday nights if he sees grandma he won’t be able to see her on Saturday.
This all goes back to routine being everything to him. Changing his routine too much is hard for him to process even when it is something he wants to do. We just have to keep moving forward.
The night was quiet and he was very calm. Tomorrow is a big day for him and he is very excited. He will go to another swimming lesson and I know his instructor will be impressed at how far he has come. I’m praying for sleep tonight. I’m thankful for his progress and that makes me happy. Find your happiness and let go of the storm. Smiles to all and donut daze!