He was very focused on the days he would not be at school but ready for all the schools. I am glad they are preparing him for his next school. It is truly amazing that he is actually embracing it already. Seeing his friends there sounds like the motivation he needs. I feel great about how he is more readily embracing change even if he doesn’t completely understand it all or there yet. His being able to hear the conversation and then talk about it calmly is one of the biggest steps he has taken, showing huge progress.
When Owen got home I told him about his moving up ceremony back at school. I never imagined I’d convince him to go back but he said immediately he wanted to go. He wasn’t sure why I was going because school is his place but he wanted me to go. This was huge. He has been able to process me being there at different times more now and it is another big step in his progress. I didn’t know how it would go but I was hoping for the best.
We went, we stayed, he got his certificate, he didn’t want the cupcakes, and then we left. All huge steps. All incredibly huge steps. We went to a school event together, he wanted me to go, he did the activity, and we left without a meltdown or any problems. Tears swim in my eyes on moving up day. My sweet baby O is moving up. This progress is incredible. He mentioned his friends and that he was going to the new school in August. I’m so thankful he is figuring this all out.
We came home and he was focused on seeing his teacher and aide tomorrow. The days for this school year are dwindling down and I can see it getting harder on him but I can also see the progress he has made. I’m beyond thankful for those moments and I know that his school has truly worked with Owen to prepare him for the tomorrows yet to come.
Sleep wasn’t what he wanted but he was asleep extremely quickly. I’m thankful for today and I am thankful for his growth. Tomorrow is always the day for hope and a new beginning. Let the sun shine on your day. Smiles to all and donut daze!