When I got up he asked about his friends he would be seeing next week at school. The only thing was that none of the ones he mentioned would be there. If I answer they won’t be there that spirals into something that makes my head spin because I can’t possibly answer it all. If I say yes they will be there he moves on but how will that all translate when they aren’t there? It all gives me opportunity to overthink it all.
I can tell he is a growing again because breakfast started the minute I got up and second and third breakfast were all consumed by nine in the morning, snacks followed. I see the progress with the growth and I am trying to push both of us forward with this as well. Sometimes it is hard to push him to learn a new skill or way to do something because he doesn’t like change and it isn’t always something he will learn quickly or take to immediately. New life skills can take a lifetime to learn but he needs them and this momma’s heart knows he will succeed.
I love hearing him sing. He has been wanting to hear more music the last few days and singing up a storm. He has been listening to videos and playing with apps that he listened to when he was very young. It is amazing how he cycles through his past to put it back in his present.
He did great getting ready to go his therapy but no matter how many times I told him he kept putting his shoes on the opposite feet. The fifth time was the winner. Technically this doesn’t matter if he can walk in them and he doesn’t think they are uncomfortable but it is one of those life skills things I want him to make sure he understands and then he can choose.
He constantly asks to put an app on everyone’s phones. He knows he is not allowed to take people’s phones but he still asks constantly because he loves to watch the reactions. He thinks it is funny even though he has the app on all his devices. He loves watching the reactions and I have yet to master hiding my expressions so he is constantly doing it.
I watched as he did exercises that he was never able to do before. He did marching exercises and then he did an exercise to touch his toes. He used to always pick up his foot so his therapist has been working with him and he now leaves his foot on the ground. It’s a huge success to me. This momma’s heart soars when I see all the work that is put into these moments by both Owen and all of the incredible team of support he has.
The night was quiet and he was thankfully calm. He was screaming a lot but it was his happy stimming screams. His happiness is my happiness. Each day we are still on the rollercoaster ride but thankfully the twists and turns are leading to incredible success. Lean into the moments, love the outcomes, and cherish the march to success. Smiles to all and donut daze!