One bathroom and a loud house do not help the sleep thing. Owen heard me and that was that. I told him to go back to sleep but that does not work for him. However, last night I felt like we had progress. He came to me after I returned to my bed and wanted his tablet. He went back to his bed without too much of a struggle but returned quickly to ask again. I told him he could have his tablet at five and that was still two hours away. He came back several times but each time walked away without his tablet because I told him if he took it we would not be doing any of the activities that he wanted to do over the next few days. Somehow this worked. It was exhausting but I feel like it was a middle-of-the-road understanding for him and I will say it was progress.
Redirection wasn’t a thing this morning but trying to get him to talk about another subject is hard. I told him that he was amazing and he knew all the answers he wanted from me. I asked him what his favorite language was and he said, “English.” I then asked him what his favorite foreign language was and he said, “Spinach” and immediately said something to me in Spanish. I love how much he loves languages.
Church and yoga were on our list of what was happening today. He’s very excited about going to yoga. He wants all of his favorite people to come to church and yoga with us. It makes my heart happy to know that he wants his friends to be so involved with his world.
We left for church and he immediately started to “act up.” I told him that we needed to be kind to each other and it wasn’t fair to mommy for him to act up in the car. He said, “Sorry Mommy thank you.” When he tells me he is sorry he wants me to thank him. I work with him in conversations and this is part of the what we say.
We went home after church to eat our lunch and then we headed out to the “little yoga studio” as Owen called it. He told me he wants a big yoga studio at our house. He was very excited about going to yoga. He had an amazing time and he can’t wait to go back.
The rest of the night was quiet. He had a few questions about his days ahead but bedtime was quick and he was ready to get to his Monday. I’m thankful for his growth. God’s grace leads to our journey with how we give kindness and grace to ourselves and to those around us. Be kind. Smiles to all and donut daze!