He was calm this morning but I could tell he had a lot on his mind. His schedule has been anything but routine with all the changes that have been going on for him. Last week was busy every day and even though he did great that is still a huge disruption in his daily routine.
We got ready for school and he kept saying that people were going to be back today. It is extremely hard for him when he is expecting someone and they are not there for whatever reason it is. Even when he knows they are not going to be there it’s still difficult for him to process it.
I was hoping when he got home he would want to go to the library but since he was up so early I had a feeling it would be too much for him to do. I wasn’t going to push it because that can make it harder especially on days that he is up so early.
He gave me the stare-down before he would even get off the bus. My shoes and everything were up for debate. It was like he could not move off the bus until he took it all in. Some days are like that. As soon as he got off the bus he said, “Stay home” and kept repeating it. He walked inside and asked for me to put on a dress. He took off his shoes and sat on the couch with his tablet. He yelled occasionally for me to “put on a dress” but didn’t remove his pants. I asked him if he wanted to go to the library to meet his grandma and he said, “No.” We had talked about it for several days but he couldn’t process us going. I didn’t make him.
He ate his snack, requested more, and ate a huge dinner. I asked him what he wanted for dinner and he said, “Pizza.” I said we could order one or go get it. He said no that he wanted chicken. I told him we could get a pizza after his therapy tomorrow.
He was pretty quiet all night. We played together some but he was very concerned about the people that he wanted to see tomorrow. He was worried they wouldn’t be there and I’m not sure if it is because they were gone before or they told him they would be gone tomorrow.
Before he went to bed we sat on the couch playing his games together. He doesn’t know how much those moments mean to me when he asks me to sit with him. He has been doing it more and more lately and I am so very thankful.
He got up several times after he went to bed. He’s been having trouble sleeping again with so much on his mind. I would adjust his bedtime but he is pretty stuck with our routine. I pray everyone is where he wants them to be tomorrow. I’m thankful for his big smile and that laugh he gave me as we played his games. Find joy in the little things. Smiles to all and donut daze!