We both woke up a little early. I suppose I woke him up but sometimes no matter how I try I am not as quiet as a mouse. Owen was in a great mood when he woke though and the first words out of his mouth were “Grandma’s house.” Now this doesn’t necessarily mean it is actually going to happen but there’s always hope. He said, “Eat a snack and then go to grandma’s house black computer Mommy go bye bye” so it’s all about the moments after the bus.
He played on his tablet and he kept talking to me about his games. I love when he wants to talk to me. It feels like that is happening more and more as time goes on. He is making more connections and I can hear his own expressions loud and clear the older he gets.
We got dressed and headed out to the bus. Every day I watch as his excitement builds waiting for the bus to come into view. He can see it coming down the street and he knows it will only be a couple more turns before it stops in front of our house. He comes barreling towards me and the jumping begins. He talked about his friend quickly and off he went to get on the bus. I always wonder what he says to the bus driver and aide.
I wondered all day if he would want to go to his grandma’s house when he got home or if he would be overwhelmed by the whole process. Sometimes I feel like he doesn’t understand that he can see her more than one day and it also throws off his routine. The bus arrived and he said, “Grandma’s house” as soon as he got off. That still didn’t mean he was going.
We walked inside and that’s when the true magic happened. He told me no snack and wanted to go to grandma’s house. He did end up eating a snack but it was quick. He was ready to go.
When we got there he immediately noticed she was not wearing the clothes he wanted her to be in. This is hard on him. He is in a cycle with blue pants right now. I talked to his therapist about it and each day I talk to Owen about how we get to choose what we want to wear and so do others. I pray that it helps him to focus less on the color of people’s pants.
He was happy to spend time with his grandma but he was also focused on what the next few days were going to bring. Tomorrow when he comes home from school I don’t plan on taking him anywhere so that he can have a calm day. I hope it helps him. We will work on his exercises and breathing techniques.
When we came home he ate his dinner and we played games. I think my favorite thing he said to me was that we needed a faster car. He wants to get everywhere in a hurry I guess. Bedtime was quick and I hope he can sleep tonight. Today is the first day of the rest of your life so let’s make it grand. Smiles to all and donut daze!