“Tablet,” was the first thing out of his mouth followed by “Good morning how are you I’m fine” not stopping between any of the words. He ran back to the bathroom and then quickly came to get his tablet and under the blanket he went. He wanted me to play his game for him even though he plays it so much better than I do.
The morning moved quickly and we went out to wait for the bus. He was excited to talk about his day and see his friends. The bus came around the corner and Owen came running to me, jumping up and down, excited to see it. Off he went talking over his shoulder to me about us going “gooey fish hunting” later this week.
When I picked him up from school he was very vibrant and talking about his friends. He couldn’t wait to get to his music therapy. He asked again if his friends could come and he wanted to know if he could sing about “farm animals” with his therapist. I told him to make up a song and he told me that “pigs go oink oink oink.” He talked a little more about it and then we were there.
He did great today even though he is still hyper-focused on everything else. He came out of the session telling me he was going to take the bus home next Monday since he won’t have a therapy session. I loved the connection and sounded great to me.
On the way home he talked about his “noon school” but then realized it was “new school” and he quickly adapted to calling it that. He told me he would go in August and then he started listing all the people that he wanted there. I told him they wouldn’t be coming but his reply was “I hope so.” One step at a time I reminded myself and knew this was huge to have him accept that he would be going to a new school.
Off to vision therapy, we went after coming home for a snack. He was talking about his new school all the way there and wanted everyone to know about it. He did great except he was a bit focused on the whole blue pants thing but we moved forward and he had a good time.
He was very calm and happy about the rest of his week. There were several activities that he didn’t know we were doing and people that he was going to get to see. I don’t always tell him about all his appointments because that can cause a ripple effect if they don’t all work out. I’m thankful for all his connections and the progress he is making. The night went quickly and he was ready for his next big day. Be inspired by the hope for tomorrow. Smiles to all and donut daze!