He woke up wanting school talking about “math on the bus” and wanting to know when his bus driver would be back. He repeated his name over and over and told me today. He followed me back to the “white bed” after I added the very important ingredient of water to the coffeemaker since ya can’t have coffee without it and I forgot to put it in last night when I set the timer.
When we got to my bed he talked about his grandma. He is already making sure he will see her on Saturday. I asked him if he remembered why he didn’t go this past Saturday and he said, “Upper night.” I told him we could go to dinner with grandma on Tuesday or Wednesday and he said, “No come home” but I know it’s a process for him since it isn’t part of his routine and he will be excited about doing it.
As soon as we got out the door he started asking about his bus driver again. I said we’ll have to wait and see. Maybe they told him he would be back today or just like my sweet baby O, he always knows. He senses things. He will ask me about people I am thinking about and haven’t mentioned to him. Maybe he can see it in my face or feel it in my emotions but he always knows.
He has now started turning the tablet to watch videos in a different direction. This used to be a big thing for him. He didn’t want it to be any other direction and occasionally when the app or game was only vertical he would have huge meltdowns over it.
We got to Dollar General. It was a little stressful but we did it. When I picked him up from school I told him we were going to go after his music therapy. He said, “No Dollar General” after he had been talking about it for so long. I knew he would though. He did great at music therapy and as soon as he came back to me before anything else he said, “No Dollar General” again but as soon as we got there all his protesting was quickly changed.
He mostly pushed the cart pretty straightforwardly but a little sideways as well. He picked a puffed corn chip with a “lion” on it even though I don’t think it was a lion. He said the whole time he didn’t want to go and kept saying it as we got there but then he didn’t want to leave once we were in the store. He raced through the store not really touching anything but seemed like he was on a mission. He was a bit anxious at the checkout but handled it.
He did well at his vision therapy. He followed instructions and had good follow-through with many of the exercises. He got his glasses back. He had them about two seconds before he popped the lens out but they were able to fix it quickly. On the way there he said, “Grandma” and I said tomorrow. He said, “Go to Dairy Queen.”
His doctor had blue chewing gum and he was impressed that it was blue. She gave him a piece to try again. He chewed half a stick this time for close to a minute and then pulled it out of his mouth and gave it to me. A few minutes later he chewed it again for a few seconds and then he got rid of it.
When we got home he wanted all the foods and lots of snacks. He walked up to me and said, “Bus home then the dentist then Dairy Queen.” He only said it once and walked away. I burst out into tears. For him to only say it once and with confidence plus walking away is incredible progress.
Bathtime and bedtime came quickly. I’m not sure what he ate at school today but his hair loved it. I told him I thanked God for him every day and he said, “I know.” Know that the chaos will pass and be thankful for your joys that will come. Smiles to all and donut daze!