He decided he wanted to wear every shirt but the one shirt he was wearing. He ultimately decided to wear his “rainbow shirt” but told me he wanted the other ones for tomorrow. He also wanted to know what his best friend was going to wear today and I told him there was no way I would be able to tell him. I want him to understand that connection.
We made our way out to the bus and he was concerned because I told him I was not bringing his tablet for him today because of his behavior last night. He wanted me to tell him I would bring it. I feel like he is making huge connections to his behavior so I wanted him to continue to understand the reward system with how he behaves.
I picked him up from school for his therapy and he was concerned because of his tablet. I told him that if he behaved then he could have it when we got home. He did great on the way to therapy and listened when I told him to not tell me how to drive. He is very opinionated about how everyone should drive especially for a non-driver.
I went in with him to his therapy so I could talk to his therapists about new strategies to work on and see his progress. He was able to cross his hand to his knee many times in a row. I see progress and I feel his growth. I’m very thankful for his steps.
The night was full of twists and turns but he remained calm after I talked to him about going back out. He instead wanted to take his bath and talked about riding the bus home tomorrow. He wants to go swimming when he gets home but he knows he has to sleep tonight. I pray he sleeps tonight and I’m thankful for how well he is doing at therapy. Love with all your heart, grow from your day, and create new memories tomorrow. Smiles to all and donut daze!