Life yesterday was busy. Lots of activities and lots of emotions. Owen did well but it was still a lot for him to keep up the pace and do everything. Each time something is out of routine it causes the ripple effect and keeps going. Thankfully he slept last night and woke in a great mood.
He was listening to everything in French when he was playing on his tablet. He sat with me for a few minutes before we got ready to go outside. His laugh is always the best part of my day.
Besides some new phrases, he started saying he was extremely happy and ready to get out to the bus. Not sure where the new phrases came from and they were said with an interesting tone, like on repeat in slow motion. These are the things that if you make a big deal about them they will last longer and become more important to him and why they interest me. Words and phrases can lead to so many other behaviors and reactions so I try to redirect or have him use them in different sentences.
As we waited for the bus he was still concerned if everyone was going to be there but very happy about going. He talked about the gate that was now in his way to see the bus. He was so happy once the bus got there and off he went.
I know it will help him to keep seeing that people can come and go so hopefully that will help. Each new life skill that we can work through will help him in the future.
He got home from school and we had our appointment with our advisor. He always loves seeing her and missed seeing our behavioral specialist who didn’t come this time. This led to him talking about his appointment on Friday with his doctor and he was looking forward to it.
He decided he wanted to go to the library with his grandma. He told me before we left that he was going to the library and heading home. He didn’t want to go to dinner with her. I think his busy day yesterday was part of that decision.
We got home and had dinner. He was happy all evening and he wanted me to sit with him as the evening went on. I gave him several warnings of when bedtime was and it went much smoother. He asked for tickle hugs as a tactic to slow down bedtime. It worked but once he went to bed he was asleep quickly, though. I’m thankful for a good day and his amazing laugh. Follow your heart and let your dreams come true. Smiles to all and donut daze!