Under the blanket on my bed, he went. He wanted me to give him five more minutes even though we had about twenty minutes until he had to get ready. He was very excited about riding the bus today and he was very excited about riding the bus on Monday since he isn’t going to his music therapy. He was very elevated but calm at the same time. It’s always an interesting mix.
When he came home from school he was talking about the days he was going to ride the bus home and which days I was going to pick him up. He kept repeating the words and I tried to not answer all of his responses. This is one of those fine-line kinda deals. I can’t completely ignore him because that leads to meltdowns and I can’t answer him every time either because it eggs on the repetitive words. The cycle is never ending and all I can do is try to distract him which is also a challenge for me.
Food was one of his top requests for the night and it seems like he didn’t stop eating until bedtime. He wanted me to play his games with him but his main concern all day was talking about riding the bus home. It is always interesting to me that his concern is for the afternoon bus and I believe that is because he doesn’t ride it every day. He loves the bus so much but with his therapy schedule, I have to pick him up some of the days. I always wonder if he would be happier if he knew he was being picked up every day or changing his schedule so he could ride the bus all the time. That’s for a different day of overthinking.
I’m thankful for the most part he was calm and he requested to go “gooey fish hunting” again so hopefully we will be able to go soon. I hope the sleep trend continues and he will be happy tomorrow because we have an appointment with two of his advisors. Follow your heart, dream big, and watch your world change. Smiles to all and donut daze!