I suppose my body thinks sleeping is optional right now. I always talk about how noises wake Owen but he is like his momma. Every single noise woke me up last night but thankfully he slept. He woke ready for his Thursday. He talked about going to therapy and couldn’t wait to get his day started.
He was also more calm about where his people would be today. He only asked if his friend was going to be there one time. And he asked if his best friend could go places with him. He talked about going to the park and numerous other places. He kept saying “I hope so gotta ask them” when I said we would have to talk to his parents to see if they would meet us someplace.
When I got him from school to go to therapy he was trying to race after his friend so he could talk to him more but he was already getting in his car. I didn’t get to talk to his dad about them going anywhere but I will another day. He made his plans for the days on the way to therapy. Today he wanted to go home after he finished and tomorrow he wants to go to the pool and get a pizza on the way home. I wonder if he will want to trade our car in again.
He did great at therapy and he was ready to get home so that he could prepare for his Friday. I’m excited that he wants to do things on Fridays now. This was a long time coming. He has wanted to stay home on Fridays to prepare for his Saturday but he wants to jump off the diving board so he wants more practice. I’m so proud of his determination.
Lots of snacks and dinner came and went. He requested for me to go get him a black computer, a black laptop, and a black big car. I see a pattern. The teen years are coming. He was happy and calm for the evening. Bedtime wasn’t his favorite moment but sleep came quickly. I hope he wants to go to the pool tomorrow when he comes home.
My happiness came from him continuing to talk to me about his friend. Each step forward is a step. Sometimes you have to look back to where you have been to see where you are going. Keep growing and let the inspiration guide you to an amazing tomorrow. Smiles to all and donut daze!