I got up and started my coffee since the timer still had more than thirty minutes before it would start. He kept telling me to go back to the “white bed” but the bathroom and coffee were in need first. I got my coffee and headed back to bed. He soon followed me. He wanted to sit for five more minutes, then one minute, and thirty-five seconds was the last request. I told him if he wanted to go to school we had to get going. The demands didn’t stop.
I do believe I sent him to school with a chocolate milk mustache. I had wiped his mouth off and then I think he ran back to get more to drink before he put his coat on. Which battle do you pick? He hates his mouth wiped and socks are now in the “nopedy nope” category.
There were so many words flying at me this morning. Sometimes it is hard to catch your breath. It feels like every single thing is urgent when he gets stuck in these moments. And if I don’t do it right away it goes to the next level of request and that could lead to the next level of a meltdown so forth and so on. It’s all about the timing and patience of both of us.
We got dressed and once again it wasn’t exactly what hat he wanted to wear. Grey pants this time but I don’t want him thinking we can only wear blue again. The meltdowns from blue pants play over and over again like a record player getting stuck in that one groove and not moving forward. I want to help him understand that we can like something and not expect the whole world to like it as well but I can only imagine what he goes through if something like blue pants causes so many struggles. All I can do is pray and hope that one of these methods will help him continue to move forward.
He knew Mommy was picking him up for therapy. He didn’t want to get in the car because he wanted to run back and tell his friends bye even though he had been with them moments before. He was happy about going to therapy and he knew that he was only having two of his three sessions today. Even though he knows it this still can throw us off. He also wanted to go to the statue and burger boy. He told me he wanted to get out but I know how this has gone lately and he didn’t want to get out.
The repetitive behaviors and elevated emotions are in full swing but thankfully he did great at therapy. He wants to make sure his schedule is intake but next week is spring break so he will be off from school for a whole week and a day. This is going to be hard for him but hopefully, we will be able to do several “Curious George adventures” as he is now calling them and that will make the week go faster.
All of the food requests came in but again that’s one of those things that now changes like the wind. He asks for many different foods but still prefers his favorites.
Learning to deal with change and emotions can be hard for anyone but when routine is so important it can be even harder to process. Each day my goal is to find ways to help Owen cope with change. Today I’m thankful for my amazing dude’s smile and how he pushed through with his therapy even though he was anxious about his days ahead. Life happens when you have something else planned. Find a way to let your stress go and focus on the sunshine in your day. Smiles to all and donut daze!