I was in and out for a little bit once I convinced him that he couldn’t take his tablet if he went back to bed. I wonder if he gets scared or if it was strictly the noise that woke him up. This momma’s heart hurts thinking about all the things he can’t tell me. Around five in the morning, we got the call for a two-hour delay for school. I was relieved but had a feeling it would be canceled as the morning went on. It wasn’t much longer and that was the decision they made. Owen went into leprechaun mode and wanted to make sure everyone was fine. He was worried that the Gino’s Pizza sign was ok and that they would still be able to open. I tried to comfort him but he knew he was missing out on all the things he wanted.
I was supposed to go to my radiation appointment this morning but it was still raining very hard and since Owen was home my mom was going to help me with him but where she lives their street was flooded and a lot of the town as well. We knew the rain was going to stop and most of the water should go down but it was still such a mess. Thankfully I was able to get a later appointment. My mom entertained Owen while I went to my appointment. This process always is hard for him because he thinks she is then going to take him back to her house but he couldn’t though because we had his therapy appointments this afternoon.
Thankfully he did great with his therapy. Being exhausted may have something to do with it but he was able to handle all the activities. After we left there we went to his sensory therapy. We hadn’t gone in a while but he was extremely ready to see his people. He did well there and requested to go back soon. When we left the office he started walking to a different car saying, “New car let’s go” like he was picking one out at the car lot and wanting to take it home.
He was talking to his therapist about school tomorrow and told her that he hoped he would go. “I pray,” he said. I knew I prayed a lot and I reply to him all the time that I pray for answers or I pray something happens and I know Owen hears them all. He kept repeating “I pray” for the rest of the night and I told him I pray too that he gets to go to school tomorrow. Right now they only have a two-hour delay and I pray that is all.
Bedtime was a tiring time but he finally went to sleep. I pray for sleep for both of us and a great day tomorrow. It will be another busy day for both of us and we have his meeting with our plan advisor for all of his therapies and progress. His laugh was a big part of how we made it through the day. His “I pray” made my heart happy as well. Let the little things that make you happy be the big things in your life. Smiles to all and donut daze!